Monday, July 1, 2013

My Little Fish

Our across the street neighbors have just put in a pool and invited us over to swim yesterday afternoon.  This was Amelia's first time to swim in a swimming pool.  We have taken her to the lake, but she wasn't very enthusiastic.  I think that was mainly because she was confined to a life jacket.  Yesterday was a completely different experience.  Amelia LOVED the water!  Unfortunately, the swimmies that I bought are too big for her little arms, so David and I got in the water and held her.  We also put her in a little infant raft until she decided she wanted to be on the bigger raft like the other two children that were swimming.  She had a wonderful time!  We put her under the water several times, and she would come up smiling.  I think swimming lessons are in our future.  When it was time to leave, she kept saying bye to the water and then asked about the water several times last night.  We will definitely be taking her swimming again soon.

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