Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Halloween 2016

Amelia told us a couple of months ago that she wanted to be Elsa for Halloween and wear the Elsa dress Uncle Austin gave her for Christmas. This is what she was set on doing until walking through Walmart one day last month, she saw a Greek goddess costume. Amelia thought it was the most beautiful thing ever. She quickly gave up the idea of being Elsa and asked to be a Greek goddess instead. Fast forward to last week when she was on the phone with Uncle Austin. He asked what she was going to be for Halloween, and she gave me a look. I told her to tell him what she wanted to be. Amelia thought for a second and said that she was going to be Elsa and wear the dress he gave her for her school Halloween parade and was going to be a Greek goddess for trick or treating. I guess she thought she was going to hurt his feelings if she didn't wear the dress he gave her, so she decided to wear both this Halloween!

Halloween Festivities began with Amelia participating in the Kindergarten Halloween parade on Friday. The Kindergarten students paraded by class throughout the entire elementary school. All of the students gathered in the hallway to cheer them on. Amelia did not like being in the parade. She said she was nervous, and it was WAY too loud for her. You can tell it was way too loud for her, because her hands are covering her ears almost the entire time!

On Sunday, we carved the pumpkin Amelia picked at our friend's pumpkin patch. She and Daddy made a plan for the face - triangle eyes, round nose, a surprised mouth with teeth. She did NOT like cleaning the inside out of the pumpkin, but she did like trying the raw pumpkin seeds. Daddy carved the face and then we sat the pumpkin out for all to enjoy.

On Halloween night, we celebrated with trick-or-treating and dinner at our house. Poppy, Paw Paw, and the Huang family came to join us. Amelia dressed as a Greek goddess and ran from house to house trick-or-treating with Ella, Elijah, and the neighborhood children. We still had a side of a street to go when Amelia declared that she was tired and ready to go back home. It was good timing for us, since we were ready for dinner.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Fall 2016 Field Trip to the Farm

Amelia had a fun class trip to Old Baker Farm. Her class learned about animals, went through a hay maze, rode on a hay ride, chose out pumpkins from the patch, picked cotton, and had a picnic lunch. The weather was beautiful and the children had a fantastic time at the farm. Amelia loved choosing her pumpkin. It was a very hard choice for her, but she chose one that had the perfect stem and was easy to carry. Picking cotton was her absolute favorite! She did not want to put it all into the farmer's basket. She kept a huge pile for herself and kept trying to stick more in my bag. Amelia arranged her pumpkins and cotton in a bowl together on the back porch. She plays with them every afternoon when we get home.


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