Thursday, March 28, 2013

Easter Egg Hunt Practing

Yes, I realize that I am posting twice today.  It won't happen often (if ever again), but I didn't get a chance to post last night about the creamed potatoes memory.  So, here is a post for today. :)

Today was actually a warm day!  After a visit to work to have lunch with my school friends, Amelia had a little nap and then we went out to play.  I have been letting Amelia hunt Easter eggs in the house, but I thought it was a good afternoon to take her outside and practice hunting in the yard.  I threw some empty eggs in the grass and let her pick them up and put them in a bag.  I then got a little challenging and put them in different spots.  She was wearing her Easter bunny outfit, so it was a perfect time to take some pictures.  I think we will try dying Easter eggs tomorrow afternoon after the Good Friday service at church and nap time.  We are making Ninja Easter eggs, so wish us luck!

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