Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!  The Lord has risen!  This has been a very busy Holy Week.  We have been in church each day for the past four days celebrating the death and resurrection of Jesus.  Amelia has been a trooper with the late nights at church.  Fortunately for us, she really enjoys going to church and especially participating in communion. 

This morning, Amelia slept in late because we celebrated Easter Vigil last night and didn't get to bed until late.  We got her up and dressed, ate breakfast, and then saw what the Easter Bunny left for her last night.  She was a bit confused as to why there was a basket filled with things, but she enjoyed looking through them.  She immediately saw that there was a necklace and promptly put it around her neck.  We had a little Easter egg hunt, and Amelia had her first jelly beans.  She loved them, of course!  We took video this morning instead of pictures but here are a few I was able to snap.

Amelia was running away from me while I was trying to take her picture this morning.  This is the best I could do to capture that sweet smile.

We headed to church early to participate in the Easter egg hunt.  It was a little rainy, but the eggs were hidden outside in the park and were waiting to be found.  Amelia is a professional hunter.  She could find those eggs without any problems and ducked under several bushes and trees to find them.  I was really excited that she was able to transfer our inside egg hunting practices to the outside.  She knew to find the eggs and put them in the bag that I was holding.  Amelia didn't realize that the eggs actually opened to surprises until we were sitting in church.  It kept her very occupied through the beginning part of the service until we went to Children's Church. 

After church, we went to my grandparents' house for lunch.  In the past we have celebrated with David's family, but this year we decided to stay in town.  Amelia was able to visit with family and have another Easter egg hunt with her cousins in the back yard.  She knew exactly what to do and rushed all over the yard trying to find the eggs. 

PawPaw and Amelia

This precious photo is of my nephew handing Amelia an egg that he found.  It was the sweetest thing!

Tonight, Poppy and PawPaw came to deliver an Easter happy to Amelia.  She loved being able to have more sweet treats! 

It was a very special Easter for our precious girl.  I am so glad that she enjoyed herself.  The candy has been put out of reach and will be rationed for a while. :)

Friday, March 29, 2013

Dying Easter Eggs

Tonight, Amelia was able to participate in her first Easter egg dying activity.  We made Ninja eggs!  She did great but didn't like that she wasn't able to touch the fun colored liquids. :)  Amelia had a fabulous time sticky wiggly eyes on her Ninja faces and tearing out the different pieces to stick on her eggs.  I think the most fun she had was actually banging two eggs together.  Amelia ended up trying one egg because it was too busted up to try to save in our display.  She ate a few parts of the egg white and put it down.  Then, I showed her that the egg opened up to a yellow center.  She did NOT like the yellow center and promptly spit it out.  Here are some pictures of the fun:


Thursday, March 28, 2013

Easter Egg Hunt Practing

Yes, I realize that I am posting twice today.  It won't happen often (if ever again), but I didn't get a chance to post last night about the creamed potatoes memory.  So, here is a post for today. :)

Today was actually a warm day!  After a visit to work to have lunch with my school friends, Amelia had a little nap and then we went out to play.  I have been letting Amelia hunt Easter eggs in the house, but I thought it was a good afternoon to take her outside and practice hunting in the yard.  I threw some empty eggs in the grass and let her pick them up and put them in a bag.  I then got a little challenging and put them in different spots.  She was wearing her Easter bunny outfit, so it was a perfect time to take some pictures.  I think we will try dying Easter eggs tomorrow afternoon after the Good Friday service at church and nap time.  We are making Ninja Easter eggs, so wish us luck!


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