Sunday, January 6, 2013

We're Home!

I am so sorry that it has taken me so long to update everyone on our trip home.  David, Amelia, and I arrived at the airport very tired and excited last night around 9:30.  We had many friends and family members waiting to great us.  It was WONDERFUL to see familiar faces who we missed so much.  Thank you to all who stayed up late on a Saturday night to welcome us back home.  We really appreciate it!  I will post some pictures when people send them to me. :)

Last night was ROUGH!  We arrived home around 11:00 and showed Amelia her new home.  We introduced her to her big brother, Bailey, and neither was very impressed with each other.  Amelia cried because she was scared, and Bailey couldn't figure out what was going on with the new little person his mama was holding.  She loved her playroom and even seemed to like her crib.  We prepared her for bed and gave her a bottle.  Around 12:30, we put her in the pack n play in our bedroom, and the screaming began.  She would not settle down.  She liked her crib earlier in the evening, so we decided to go ahead and try that.  It was similar to what she had been sleeping in, and we hoped it would make her want to go to sleep.  We were mistaken.  I rocked her to sleep and she slept for about an hour and a half before waking up.  I ran upstairs and got her back to sleep.  Thirty minutes later, she was back up.  I decided to sleep in the bed in her room because she has been sleeping in the same room with us for almost 2 weeks.  David started out in our bedroom and ended up coming up there on the floor with us for a while.  She woke up every 10-30 minutes screaming until around 5:00 this morning.  I awoke to the sound of the phone ringing and running feet on hardwood floors.  I let Amelia sleep thinking it was around 10:00 in the morning and was shocked to realize that it was 2:30 in the afternoon!  We let Amelia sleep until around 4:15 before waking her up.

Leigh came over around 3:30 and brought us lunch/dinner.  She took Amelia on a stroll around the neighborhood and played with her in the playroom while David and I unpacked.  I was able to get everything unpacked and laundry started while she was here.  She helped me start a shopping list and offered to go with me to Target tomorrow to get everything.  She was a huge help and offered to come play again tomorrow.  David put Amelia to bed around 10:00.  He said it was not that difficult tonight, but we are not sure how long to expect her to sleep.  As much as I need sleep, I need organization more.  While she has been asleep tonight, I have been able to reorganize the pantry to accommodate her food and snacks, clean the kitchen, pay bills, wash dishes, return emails, and work on some laundry.  Now, I will be able to hopefully sleep without thinking about all of the things I need to do.  I hope that Amelia will let me sleep!  Good night everyone!

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