Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Amelia has officially hit the "WHY?" phase of life.  I expected it after she turned three, but it has arrived early.  I would like to share a funny conversation Amelia and I had tonight.

Amelia: "What are you doing, Mommy?"

Me: "I'm cutting up vegetables for dinner."

Amelia: "Hold me, Mommy!"

Me: "I can't right now, Amelia.  I'm using a knife to cut vegetables, so I can't hold you right now."

Amelia: "Why, Mommy?"

Me:  "I need to cut vegetables to cook for dinner."

Amelia: "Why?"

Me:  "So that we can have something to eat."

Amelia: "Why?"

Me:  "We need to eat so that our bodies can grow to be big and strong."

Amelia: "Why?"

Me:  "That is how God made us."

Amelia: "Why?"

Me:  "I don't know, Amelia.  You will have to ask God why."

(Imagine Amelia's next response in the completely dramatic voice of a two year old)

Amelia: "WHY, JESUS!  WHY!!!!"

Yep.  This is where we are right now. 

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Festivities 2014

Happy Easter!  This has been a very busy week for our family.  We came home from the beach on Wednesday and began Holy Week on Thursday with attending Maundy Thursday services at church.  Amelia was out of school for Good Friday and came to work with Mommy that day.  She had a great time!  Friday night, we decided to dye our Easter Eggs.  Amelia is in the "AMELIA DO IT!!!" stage in which she thinks that she has to do everything by herself, so it was very challenging to dye eggs.  She loved dipping her eggs into the color.  She even ate one of the eggs that ended up on the floor (but only the white part, because she didn't like the yellow).

Easter was Poppy's holiday and weekend to work at the hospital, so she and Paw Paw had everyone over for dinner and an egg hunt.  We all had a fabulous time!  We left their house and went to Easter Vigil at church.  It was a late night for us!

The Easter Bunny arrived Sunday morning, but Amelia did not seem to be in a rush to see what he left her.  We didn't discuss it terribly much, so I don't think she really understood about the Easter Bunny.  Amelia seemed excited once she realized she had presents!

After checking out and playing with Amelia new things from the Easter Bunny, we headed to church for an Easter egg hunt before the service.  As you are looking at the pictures, I do realize that my precious child as chocolate on the front of her nice white dress.  I have ZERO pictures of her without the chocolate on the dress.

We slipped out of the church service after the sermon so that we could have lunch with RuRu, Aunt Laurie, Uncle Ray, Benjamin, and Sarah.  Amelia was very excited to be able to spend some time with her cousins.

We are so grateful to have been able to spend Easter with our friends and family!

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