Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Amelia's First Salon Haircut

Since bringing Amelia home, I have been trimming the back of her hair as it grows so that she does not have a mullet.  I realized the last time I trimmed that I wouldn't be able to keep it up now that it has become this length.  Amelia usually gets her hair trimmed in the bathtub while she is occupied with playing with her bath toys, but she has become aware of what I am doing and wants to "help" me.  The last time that I trimmed her hair, it wasn't exactly all that straight across the back, but fortunately for me, Amelia has some curl to her hair and you couldn't tell.  I decided that it was time for Miss Beth to begin cutting Amelia's hair.  Miss Beth cuts my hair and is actually a former student of David's, so she was definitely our pick to be Amelia's stylist.  Amelia had her first appointment tonight.  David and I have been talking to Amelia all week about how Miss Beth was going to cut her hair.  Miss Beth cuts Mommy's hair, and it is now time for her to cut Amelia's hair.  Amelia has been VERY excited about getting her hair cut and continued to be excited walking into the salon tonight until she saw the chair.  She immediately began saying "No thank you" and grabbing for anyone to save her.

Once Amelia was actually seated, we put on the smock.  She was NOT impressed and continued to grab at Daddy to get her out of the chair.

We resorted to having her sit in Daddy's lap.  Daddy also got to wear a smock.  Unfortunately, Amelia was still not excited about the hair cut thing.  Miss Beth gave her a brush, and Amelia showed her how she likes to brush her hair.  That kept her occupied for about two seconds.

Miss Beth began the cutting while Daddy did his best to keep Amelia still.

This is not the face of a happy girl.

Miss Beth finished up with the cut and then pulled out the BLOW DRYER!  Now, I am not sure who is aware of this, but Amelia is terrified of blow dryers.  The only way that I am able to use a blow dryer on her each night right now is that I let her go to Target and pick out her own.  She picked a bright pink hair dryer "Amelia's dryer", and I can only use "Amelia's dryer" on her hair at night.  I can't even think about pulling out "Mommy's dryer" in front of her or she goes into complete hysterics.  Even if I am only drying my own hair.

Amelia didn't cry, but she didn't want the blow dryer used on her hair either.  She clutched David and said "No thank you" to the dryer.  Miss Beth just blew the loose hairs off her and Daddy and the dryer was put away.

The first haircut was now complete and these are my attempts to get Amelia to look at the camera to show off her new style.

While Mommy was paying Miss Beth, Amelia found a bowl FULL of Smart Smarts.  She was in Heaven!  Miss Beth gave the okay for her to have one, and she chose cotton candy flavor.

We were very impressed with Amelia's behavior, and Miss Beth's ability to cut her hair while she squirmed.  Thanks, Miss Beth!

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