Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day Weekend

We had a wonderful weekend with Amelia.  Our dear friends, the McMullens, invited us to visit their lake house.  This was Amelia's first time to go to the lake, swim, and ride in a boat (not counting the dinner cruise in Guangzhou).  She had a FABULOUS time!  She loved playing with Emma and Anna Claire and wanted to do everything they were doing.  The three of them were so precious to watch.  Emma and Anna Claire have such sweet spirits and really seemed to love helping Amelia.  Amelia wasn't so sure about swimming in the lake (or the life jacket), but she LOVED the boat rides!  Speeding along with the wind in her face gave her such a thrill. We had a great weekend and appreciate Katie and Mike's hospitality.  We always enjoy getting together with this special family.

Today, we also found out that Amelia likes pickle juice.  She had both bread and butter and dill and begged for more!

I honestly can't believe that she liked it so much!

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