Since last month's update, Amelia
- is still left handed. She eats, colors, pushes buttons, works puzzles, and opens doors with her left hand. We thought she might change over, but it hasn't happened so far. You can see in each of the pictures where a hand is being used - it's her left!
- OPENS DOORS! She can reach up and pull the door handle to open the door. She loves doing this. I think I need a lock for the pantry door. Amelia is CONSTANTLY opening this door. She also likes to open the door to the back deck. I think she really checks to see if it is unlocked and gets excited when it actually opens.
- turns the washing machine and dryer on when I'm not looking. I have gone into the laundry room and wondered why the washing machine is running with nothing inside of it. She loves to push the buttons!
- works eight piece chunky and peg puzzles.
- sings in the car. It is so cute! If she doesn't know the song or the tune, she just moves her mouth and acts like she is singing. If she knows the tune, she will say certain words that she knows and "sing" to the music. Her favorite CD is the Veggie Tales Favorite Sunday School Songs. She loves "This Little Light of Mine"and "It's a Miracle" from this CD.
- LOVES Hello Kitty! She gets extremely excited to see "Cat Meow".
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She tried to take this HUGE Hello Kitty home with her, but she couldn't carry it. |
- sits on the potty. We are still waiting on the day that she actually uses it.
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She loves to read her "potty" book while she sits on her potty. |
- demands to dress herself. She wants to choose everything, including her pajamas at night.
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The first outfit she chose from head to toe. |
- begs to play outside. She feels free to run all over the yard and yell at Bailey when he gets too far away from her.
- distinguishes between hot and cold drinks. Isn't that amazing!
- walks with her hands on her hips or behind her back.
- was treated to her first pedicure! She is such a girly girl that I knew she would love having color on her toenails like mommy.
- grew more teeth. All of her teeth are now in except for her 2 year molars. Her eye teeth have broken the surface and are almost halfway to full growth, so I am counting those.
- learned some new words: Amen, bubbles, ME!, all gone, PawPaw, night night, home, wow!, Shoo, fork, turtle, fish, up (when she wants to be picked up), bite, bed, cat, Oh NO!, book, bath, cup, cold, hot, phone, and swing.
We are so proud of her progress and can't wait to see what else she learns!
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