Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Gingerbread House 2014

Last year, we began the tradition of having Amelia decorate a gingerbread house.  This year, Princess the Elf brought Amelia her gingerbread house.  We read "The Gingerbread Baby" this week, and Amelia was convinced that Princess was going to live in the house.  I explained that Princess was too big and the house didn't open, but she was able to decorate the outside of the house.  Amelia spent an hour and a half decorating this house.  She still wasn't finished when I called time, but we had to eat dinner and get to bed.  

Thank you for the house, Princess!

Can you tell she's REALLY excited?!

Amelia had to "try" some icing.  I think she "tried" it 63 times before the house was finished.

She loved decorating the little gingerbread men that came with the house.

Daddy fed her bites of chicken wings while she worked.  Amelia could eat her weight in them!

Finished Front

Finished Side

Finished Back

Finished Cookies

Amelia had a fabulous time decorating her house.  We are looking forward to next year!

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