Saturday, August 16, 2014

The Lifeline Family Reunion

Today, the Howard family joined several other Lifeline families at Veteran's Park for Lifeline's Family Reunion.  It was great to see everyone who worked so hard to bring Amelia into our family.  They are amazed at how much Amelia has grown and changed since becoming a Howard.  Amelia was VERY excited to be able to play with her China friends at the park.  We had food, fun, and a lot of firsts!

First Time Crossing the Monkey Bars (with Daddy's help)

First time seeing Micah when they are both THREE years old!  They spent the first 18 months of their lives together in China.

First Face Paint - Can you tell she isn't so sure what's about to happen?

Happy to have her "Rainboat".

Making a Friendship Bracelet

Amelia's blue bracelet matches Daddy's blue bracelet!

A picture with Karla, the woman who made it possible for us to find Amelia.

First Whole Apple (with the skin!)

First Climb up a Ladder! (Daddy supported, so don't worry!)
Thank you, Lifeline, for bringing Amelia to our family and reminding us how blessed we are!

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