Sunday, April 24, 2016

Ballet Recital 2016

Amelia danced in her second ballet recital yesterday. It was titled "Spirit of America", and she was a firecracker. While getting ready yesterday morning, Amelia told me she was embarrassed about her recital. I asked her why she was embarrassed, and her response was that she didn't want everyone staring at her. I explained that what she was feeling was nerves and only her family would be watching her; everyone else would be watching their little girl dance and not her. I don't think she was convinced because she replied, "I'm still embarrassed about it."

She was tremendously excited to be able to wear makeup (blush and lip gloss) and hair spray! Her rainbow tutu was also a big bonus!

A very excited little girl before the performance.

She was a little shy when they first got on stage, but then her personality really started to shine! Excuse the dark pictures, we weren't allowed to use flash photographer, and I haven't edited anything.

Look at that jump!

Family and friends enjoyed the performance by our little ballerina.

A few more shots when we got home. Amelia stayed in the costume ALL DAY!

We are so proud of our precious girl!

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