Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Visit with Santa 2014

This afternoon, Amelia was able to visit with Santa Claus.  She told him that she wanted baby blue and red cars.  She is still stuck with wanting a blue and a red matchbox car.  It doesn't matter that she already has a blue and a red matchbox car.  She seems to want to increase her collection.

While waiting for Santa, Amelia tried out riding a four-wheeler,

colored with Daddy,

sat on Daddy's shoulders for a view of Santa,

and had a huge grin when it was finally her turn to visit with Santa Claus.

Amelia walked straight up to Santa and sat on his lap.

She smiled for the camera, and 

she asked him to bring her baby cars that were red and blue.

She was very pleased with her visit and even tried the candy cane he gave her.  She didn't like it and asked me to throw it away.

On the way out of the store, Daddy decided to show Amelia how to shoot a gun at a target. 

Mommy took Amelia on a carousel ride.  She wanted to ride on a reindeer and chose the one with the broken antlers.

While on the carousel, she realized that Daddy had popcorn and immediately wanted OFF of the carousel to eat it.  She kept yelling at him not to eat it all.  She was quite excited when he handed her half a box of popcorn.

We had a great time!

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