We have been VERY busy this week! We celebrated Gotcha Day on Monday, Christmas in Tuscaloosa with our families on Tuesday, Christmas at Home and with our Birmingham family on Wednesday, after Christmas shopping and playing with our toys on Thursday, and visiting with our friend, Micah, who is here from Paris on Friday. Wow!
I'll start with our Gotcha Day celebration. We celebrated at home with Chinese take-out. Poppy, Paw-Paw, and Uncle Austin came by for dinner and cake.
We began our Christmas Eve at Aunt Laurie's House for brunch. Aunt Neva and Aunt Laura came from Mississippi to see Amelia. Amelia enjoyed playing with her cousins and opening gifts. She LOVED her tricycle that RuRu gave her!
Christmas Eve afternoon was spent at Baboo's house with Baboo, Grammy, Aunt Toni, and Uncle Will. Amelia wanted to unwrap her presents BY HERSELF. She also tried out her doll bed that Grammy gave her. Unfortunately, she was too big and fell through the bottom. Amelia will only put her babies in it now. :)
Christmas Eve night we prepared for Santa's visit by leaving him milk and cookies. Amelia had no idea why we were doing this, but she went along with it anyway.
That night, Santa came and brought Amelia and Bailey presents.
Christmas morning, we woke Amelia up at 7:30. David and I were too excited to wait any longer! I videoed her coming down the stairs and seeing the presents, so I don't have pictures of that. Amelia could NOT believe her eyes. She just stopped and pointed at everything before getting close to the car and then running back to me. Amelia's favorite present was by far the Hello Kitty car, but she also was super excited about her watch that Santa brought her. Bailey was also REALLY excited about his stocking and presents. He ran around with his toys trying to get us to pay attention to him and play. Poor thing! Sister was getting WAY too much attention for him.
Amelia piled her new blanket and baby cars into her pink kitty car. |
After opening gifts, it was time to go to Poppy and Paw-Paw's for Christmas breakfast.
Amelia has worn these Hello Kitty boots every day since receiving them from Poppy and Paw-Paw. |
After breakfast, we came home so that Amelia could drive her car before we headed to Mimi and Papa's for dinner. It took her some time to learn to steer, but we are happy to say that Amelia only hit the curb once (and that was with a lot of help trying to keep her away from the curbs).
Later that afternoon, we went to Mimi and Papa's house for dinner and presents.
Little Missy was pooped! She fell asleep on the way home (at 5:45), and we managed to get her to bed. She slept until waking with a night terror (they happen on occasion). We kept her up for about 30 minutes and put her back to bed. Amelia took a 3.5 hour nap on Thursday to help recover from her very busy week.
We had a great time visiting with Micah on Friday. It was Micah's first time to meet Amelia, and since he lives in Paris right now, we won't be seeing him again for a while. We hope to be able to take Amelia for a visit to Paris if they remain for another year. I don't know if we are ready for an international flight yet, but maybe by March of 2015. :)
We hope that everyone had a very Merry Christmas! We enjoyed spending this special day with our precious girl! We still can't believe that last year we were in China at this time!
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