Monday, August 19, 2013

We've Moved!

We have officially closed on our old house (Friday) and moved into our new house.  I say moved, but there are still a few things at the old house that wouldn't fit on the moving truck.  We need to be officially out of the Chelsea house on Wednesday at 5:00, so it gives us a few days to get those items and clean it.

Actually closing on the sell of our house was a miracle.  We found out Thursday night at 9:00 that the buyers had actually decided to go through with the closing set for the next day at 11:00.  It has been an experience dealing with these buyers and their realtor.  The closings on both houses went rather well except that I had to focus on not crying when I signed the papers giving up our house.  I teared up and took some very deep breaths.  It was difficult because my dad built it, and we have lived there for so long.

The movers came Saturday morning and the official move began.  The movers were fabulous!  We couldn't have asked for a smoother move.  David coordinated the packing of the Chelsea house, and Amelia and I waited at the new house for the appliances to be delivered and the internet man to come.  We unpacked the fragile kitchen boxes while we waited on the moving truck.  Amelia thought the moving truck was great, but when they pulled off a huge box and put her in it, she was in heaven!

I don't think she quite grasps the concept of the move, but Amelia is being a trooper!  She spent the first night away from us Saturday night at Poppy and PawPaw's house.  It was weird not having her here, but she did great at their house.  Amelia actually slept!  She only cried out a couple of times, and it was not her normal screaming. :)  David and I used the time to get things put together.  Amelia's room and playroom were all ready by the time we picked her up Sunday after lunch.

I will pick Bailey up today.  I hope he is able to make the transition to the new house.  I took him on a last walk through the neighborhood before he went to stay at the groomer's house.

Please pray that he handles this well.  Bailey will turn 13 on September 26th, so I'm not really sure what to expect from my little old man.

Thank you all so much for your prayers this week.  I have really needed them!  I also would like to thank the Caucutt family for bringing us dinner last night.  It was VERY much appreciated!

1 comment:

  1. So glad the move went smoothly! I've been keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Will pray that everyone (especially Bailey) adjusts quickly to the new home. Private message me the address please. Big hugs to you all!!



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