I'm so sorry that I didn't post last night, but I was very tired and Amelia would not go to sleep if both of us were not in the bed. Yesterday, we was a free day without our guide. We took it easy at the hotel in the morning and then went with the Greer family to a different market. We were able to buy our girls traditional Chinese dresses here. We will also go to Shamian Island for this type of shopping, but the lady was very nice and spoke great English. After shopping, we went to Pizza Hut for lunch. The service was very slow, but the pizza tasted almost like home.
After lunch, we went back to the hotel for a nap. Amelia was worn out because it was way after normal nap time, so she fell asleep easily in my arms. She slept for about three hours. :). Amelia woke up in a great mood and played with us for a while. We fed her the leftover rice she ate at lunch at Pizza Hut. David thought we should try to see if she would like a Smart Smart (this is what I call Dum Dum suckers). We brought several to have on the plane to help with her ears during takeoff and landing if she did not want a bottle. Amelia LOVED the orange flavor we gave her. I ate one, too so that I could show her what to do with it. We wanted to make sure she held onto the stick and did not jam it in the back of her mouth or try to bite it. She did great! She was so happy like she normally is with food. But, all good things have to come to and end and the tantrum began. If you look at the pictures, you will see how happy she is while eating it and then the two year old fit she threw after it was over.
David and I brought leftover pizza home for dinner. I decided to eat a piece, and Amelia wanted to try it. She is her father's child! She loved the pizza crust. As I was eating the pizza, I took the meat off and put it on a plate on the table. Amelia watched me do this. I was sitting on the floor with her and when the pizza had been eaten, she stood up and took two steps on her own toward the plate of pizza meat! I had a feeling Amelia would start walking while we were here, but I had hoped she would walk to one of us. She didn't walk for her parents; she walked for pizza!!!
Today, we have free time until 5:00 tonight when we go on dinner cruise. We will try to go to the electronics market today because we didn't go to that market yesterday.
The Fourth
5 years ago
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