Tuesday, December 25, 2012

It's Official - We Have a New Howard

Merry Christmas! Today, Yu Xin Yao officially became Amelia Mae Howard. We had our official ceremony today at the same office that we received Amelia in yesterday. The people there are extremely kind and presented us with our official certificate of adoption in a red book and gave Amelia a set of very nice chopsticks. The two families from Spain that we met yesterday were also there for their adoption ceremonies. They are wonderful families and their children began adjusting when the nannies left the building. These families will visit the orphanage tomorrow and finish their adoptions in Beijing where Spain's consulate is located. I'm not sure if we will see them again, but it was nice to be able to share such a special experience with other families.

Amelia is adjusting without any problems. She seems to have always belonged to us. Several officials, our guide, and our driver believe it is destiny that she has attached to us so quickly. We of course know that it is purely the hand of God answering my most desired prayer - Amelia to attach to us without any problems. I'm not sure if she will grieve the loss of her life in China, but I am grateful that she is so happy with us. Our guide, May, tried to get Amelia to let her hold her today, and she refused. Later in the day, she let May hold her for a nanosecond and immediately held her arms out to come back to me. She lets David hold her for short amounts of time and enjoys playing with him, but I have to be very near. We have not had any crying today.

She has eaten A LOT today. I worry that she will over eat and be sick, but that has not happened yet. She is eating way more than expected though. May was a little bothered today when I told her what she had eaten for breakfast. She did not like that Amelia ate steamed buns. She loves them so much that I took a few for later. She was so excited to see them when I pulled them out this afternoon. They are just a plain steamed roll, so I don't think it should be an issue. She likes to eat her rice, so I am going to have to invest in a rice cooker when we get home.

Amelia enjoys being naked and having her belly rubbed. It's super cute! I don't think she has probably ever been without clothes on and it is probably a freeing experience for her. We believe that she is going to be a lefty. She seems to us this hand often and always throws things with this hand. We will have to watch to be for sure, but that seems to be how she is leaning. We wish that we had everyone here to enjoy our experience with us. It has been so amazing, and we are so appreciative for all of your thoughts and prayers.

We hope you all have a Merry Christmas! Here are pictures from our day.

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