Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Today, our paperwork was received at the National Visa Center.  After many phone calls to the NVC, we were able to finally have our information entered into the computer.  We were assigned a GUZ number at some point tonight.  David was actually able to make friends with someone who gave him the information and said that our paperwork should be cabled tomorrow to Guangzhou.  David asked if it could be cabled tonight, but he said the people that are in charge of that left at 4:00 today.  Hopefully, things will be cabled tomorrow.  We were hoping that it would be cabled tonight so that we could get our Article 5 to the consulate in Guangzhou, but that didn't happen.  The consulate is open on Friday, but we are not sure if the team in China that handles the paperwork delivery will be off for Thanksgiving holidays.  Please pray that this happens quickly.  The Article 5 takes EXACTLY 2 weeks to be approved.  Once that is approved, Karla will request a fast TA (travel approval).  We still hope to be able to travel at the end of December, but it will depend on the TA and CA (consulate appointment) dates.

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