Saturday, February 21, 2015

Happy Chinese New Year!

Tonight, we were able to celebrate Chinese New Year.  We went to a favorite Chinese restaurant with Poppy, Paw Paw, and the Huang Family.  The food was great, and the children enjoyed celebrating with each other.  While wearing their traditional Chinese outfits, the children exchanged red envelopes and ate noodles!

Amelia wanted her picture taken with Mei Mei (also dressed in her Chinese outfit) before we left for the restaurant.

Fun times at the restaurant with friends and family.

It is tremendously hard to try to get 3 children to smile and look at the camera at the same time!

Sweet goodbye hugs for our friends.

Happy Chinese New Year from the Howard Family (and Mei Mei, Marshmallow, and Amelia's blanket in the second photo)!


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