Monday, August 25, 2014

Saying Goodbye to Bailey

We knew the time was getting closer, but a visit to the emergency veterinary clinic late Saturday night into early Sunday morning confirmed what we have been dreading.  Bailey's time on earth was coming to an end.  David and I discussed this in detail and decided that it was time for us to let him go.

Bailey Howard was born September 26, 2000 and came into our family in September 2001.  David and I remember traveling to the breeder's house and getting lost.  We were an hour away from where we should have been.  We brought him home and immediately bought a multitude of toys for him to play with.  From the very beginning, Bailey was treated as our child.  He went on many adventures with us including Miami, Key West, Charleston, and many visits to the mountains and the beach.  We are so grateful to have those memories of him.

Bailey as a young pup with his hair grown out.
Illegal visit to Cades Cove
Visit to Charleston
Bailey LOVED the beach!  The beach memories are some of my absolute favorites.

Bailey survived Snowmageddon
Yes, Bailey had a dog stroller.  He loved to be able to go out to eat with us, and I loved that he was contained and could see up high.
One of my favorite pictures of Bailey and Amelia.  We had just moved into our new house, and they had become best friends.

Last night, David grilled steaks for Bailey's final meal.  He enjoyed every single bit of his dinner.  We took pictures, gave him lots of love, and read "Dog Heaven" several times for his benefit and ours.  This morning, David and I drove him to Poppy and PawPaw's for a final visit to the lake before taking him to the vet.  Bailey's personal doctor agreed with our decision and assured us that it was the right thing to do.  David and I gave Bailey lots of love, hugs, and kisses as he took his final breath at 9:50 this morning.  It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my entire life.  David and I are brokenhearted.

Waiting patiently while Daddy grilled his steak
Last brother-sister love before we left this morning
Our final family picture of the four of us
As I sit here with tears streaming down my face and feeling as if the house is too quiet, I am so thankful to have spent the last 13 years as Bailey's mom.  He will truly be missed, but I know that he is running around Dog Heaven with his creator and loving family who went on before us.

Bailey Howard 2000-2014

Saturday, August 16, 2014

The Lifeline Family Reunion

Today, the Howard family joined several other Lifeline families at Veteran's Park for Lifeline's Family Reunion.  It was great to see everyone who worked so hard to bring Amelia into our family.  They are amazed at how much Amelia has grown and changed since becoming a Howard.  Amelia was VERY excited to be able to play with her China friends at the park.  We had food, fun, and a lot of firsts!

First Time Crossing the Monkey Bars (with Daddy's help)

First time seeing Micah when they are both THREE years old!  They spent the first 18 months of their lives together in China.

First Face Paint - Can you tell she isn't so sure what's about to happen?

Happy to have her "Rainboat".

Making a Friendship Bracelet

Amelia's blue bracelet matches Daddy's blue bracelet!

A picture with Karla, the woman who made it possible for us to find Amelia.

First Whole Apple (with the skin!)

First Climb up a Ladder! (Daddy supported, so don't worry!)
Thank you, Lifeline, for bringing Amelia to our family and reminding us how blessed we are!

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