We are celebrating 4 months since Gotcha Day of having our Amelia!
During the past month, Amelia
- stayed in constant motion!!!
- turned 22 months old (on April 22nd).
- celebrated her first Easter.
- visited the dermatologist and pediatrician for first visits.
- received her first immunizations. They were NO fun!!!
- has not gained any weight (22 pounds) but gained an inch (30 inches). This is probably due to the fact that she stays in constant motion.
- got some new teeth. She now has 4 molars, 4 teeth on the top and one eye tooth popping through, 4 teeth on the bottom and 2 eye teeth busting through.
- visited her new school for the first time. Amelia invited herself into a 2-year-old music class and pulled up a chair in a 3-year-old art class. She had a great time, but she wanted to make sure that I was close by her at all times. We'll see what happens when I leave her for the first time in the fall...
- drinks out of a regular cup. She feels so big when she drinks this way. Amelia also wants to use a silver spoon when she eats instead of a plastic one.
- likes to know what EVERYTHING is now. She points and says something like "dis" when she wants you to name the item.
- says some new words in context or when identifying: ball, stinky, no (including the head shake in case you don't understand what she's saying), drink, bow, gone, outside (side), rock, cracker, rice, cheese (for the camera), star, spoon, bowl, chair, eye, ear, arm, nose, teeth, mouth, water, truck, and slide.
- started nodding her head "yes". It is really more like her entire body nodding yes, and she does it with her mouth wide open. It is so cute!
- says new animal sounds: lion, sheep, horse, bear, bird, chicken, mouse, and owl.
- CLIMBS! Amelia has learned to move things around to help give her a boost onto whatever piece of furniture she desires to climb. She even tries to climb INTO her crib at night.
- identifies new body parts on herself and others: arm, leg, hair, ear, finger, foot, toes, head, fingers, and hands.
- ate her first dog treat! Mommy got to her before she swallowed the whole thing, but she seemed to like it.
- asks to eat immediately when she wakes up in the morning and after a nap. She is still very concerned about food. She RUNS to the fridge when it is opened and wants to be held while I cook so that she can see what I am doing with the food. I have started putting her high chair close to the counter when I cook so that I can put her in it to see instead of holding her. Amelia needs a snack when I do this because you get food when you're in this kind of chair.
- puts her hands up as if to say, "I don't know", when she's not sure of something. For example, if you ask her, "Where did ____ go?". The hands will go up. :)
- played on the playground for the first time with us at the park during her first play group with other friends born in China.
- grabs or pushes on my legs to lead me to where she wants me to go. Amelia giggles when she gets me where she wants me. :)
We continue to be amazed at Amelia's progress in just four short months of being with us. I am in awe of her easy transition into our family, and her attachment to us. I am so grateful that God heard every one of my concerns and created Amelia specifically for our us!