We receipt our I-800 receipt today from Homeland Security. This means that our paperwork was received and it has been forwarded to the Hague Adoption Unit in Missouri. We now wait for the official approval of this document so that Amelia's visa can be issued. Please pray that this will come soon so that we can be one step closer to travel.
Another piece of mail that we received today was our first baby shower invitation! One of our sweet church members, Pam, sent out the invitations for our church shower. We are so blessed to have friends who are as excited as we are about Amelia's arrival!
On another note, I was able to accomplish a couple of things this week. The first is that I sent Amelia her first care package! I included a pair of Gap footie pajamas, candy for the nannies, a disposable camera (hopefully they will take pictures for us), a flash drive for any digital pictures they have or will take, a family photo board book that I made this summer so she will be familiar with our faces, a small stuffed toy, a teething ring, and a note that was translated into a Mandarin by our our friend's mother explaining what each item was for. I also included a list of questions for Lily, the package deliverer, to have answered for us by the orphanage director and nannies. I forgot to take a picture of the items in the package, but I quickly took a picture of the package at the post office before I mailed it.

The second thing is that we were able to get Amelia into the daycare of our choice yesterday! She is officially on the list to attend God's House in the fall. I have several friends who have children who attend or have attended God's House, and everyone has such wonderful things to say about their program. My grandmother started the school many years ago, and I am happy to say that Amelia will be able to attend the preschool and kindergarten programs.
David's mother, RuRu, purchased Amelia's christening gown for her. Isn't it so beautiful! I can't wait to have her wear it during her adoption and christening services.